Hi! I'm so glad you're here!
I'm Natalie, aka Sewhungryhippie.
I'm a former Army Nurse Corps Officer turned tree hugging, granola eating "hippie". My husband served 20 years in the Air Force, so we have an ongoing love and appreciation for our military folk out there.
In fact, when I left the Army, he teased that I was turning into a "hungry hippie" because I did hot yoga and made my own granola. I taught exercise classes in my spare time and did personal training (ACE certified).
But now life is different!
I create bag patterns, garment patterns, and quilt patterns with the aim of helping everyone through - no matter your skill level. I believe EVERYONE can do it, as long as YOU THINK YOU CAN! I'm a huge believer that a little confidence can go a long way. Turn off that perfection seeker mindset we all had instilled in school - that's OUT!
Check out my COLORFUL and easy to sew vinyl selection -- I've got you covered if you're new to sewing this material! See the Vinyl Tips page! I've been sewing vinyl since 2010, so I do know what I'm talking about.
I design flowy and free feeling clothing patterns. My Jill Tunic has launched!
I've been featured in quilting and sewing magazines, as pictured below, for my quilt and bag patterns.
There are tons of free tutorials on my blog (right here on this website, at the top menu bar)-- and I host lots of free demos on my YouTube channel.
Sign up for my newsletter to receive easy click links, special deals, and lots of inspiration.
I only sell what I use and would buy myself.
Yes you can sell what you make with my patterns on a home based scale.
YES my vinyl is domestic machine friendly.
Yes I love it when you tag me on IG or Facebook, YAY! I will share your work!
I'm in this for the LOVE OF SEWING and MAKING.
Yes we give back to charities every year, including St Jude's Childrens Hospital, Doctors without Borders (should be called Doctors AND NURSES WOB), Wounded Warriors, and others.
A few offbeat tidbits about me...
I am a Mom (love my kids!), and a PUG Mama, rescued from a breeder. I've owned a Rottweiler (her name was Barbie) -she could close doors on command and knew English and Spanish, and 2 muts we took in off the streets of San Antonio. I LOVE animals!
I've lived all over the country, and in England, a short stint in Germany, & did a tour in Iraq with the 21st CSH unit 03-04.
I raced bikes in Washington DC on an all-womens team for a few years.
I ran the Chicago marathon when I was 19 because it was a personal goal.
I've completed more races and triathlons than I can count, and I was total shit at them. I did it because the chances were good I'd get a trophy since so few women raced (then). It's ok to keep trying, keep doing, and keep honing the skills even if you're not the top dog. It builds INNER CONFIDENCE which makes you better.
I climbed Kilimanjaro in 2017 and that's my tattoo on my right forearm. It humbled me something fierce- Kili is no joke; she will break you.
I'm an INFJ personality (my friends say this test result is wrong LOL) with socially intelligent skills, so you may "think" I am extroverted, but I am not. I need my quiet space alone.
What about you? I am so interested in people, everyone fascinates me in some way, truly. Everyone is so interesting.
If you need help with my sewing patterns or materials, my dedicated staff is eager to help you. Please email help@sewhungryhippie.com
Our phone number is 888-351-3869 This line is manned M-F from 9 to 5pm central, but sometimes we are on the other line. Leave a message and we will call you back.
Thank you for your support! I hope I can serve you in the most joyful way, and show you how amazing YOU ARE, just exactly as you are. ❤️
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