How to add Pom Pom Fringe to a quilt

How to add Pom Pom Fringe to a quilt

Pom pom fringe is HAPPINESS -- am I right? YES!

Colorful pom pom fringe is totally over the top H A P P Y, which if you're going to for it -- then GO FOR IT FOR REALS ya know?!

I thought about this for a while and tested a couple different ways...

First I tried using the glue trick (Elmer's school glue) for basting help. It did NOT help. Too many layers for the glue to adhere both the fringe and the binding, and it was more trouble than it was worth.

(However I do love gluing regular binding application, as it washes out.)
Second I tried pinning the fringe and "basting" it to the quilt, then folding the binding over on the second pass and sewing it all down. It was "OK" but took a long time (two passes). Plus I could see the basted stitches on the back, and did NOT enjoy thinking about having to unpick those later.

Third time is the charm.

Sew the binding onto the back, then fold it over to the front and tuck in the poms using Wonder Clips to hold it in place while sewing the binding on with a zipper foot or edge foot.

This gave the best result for me.

My pillow with log cabin blocks / see this quilt here on IG

It really didn't take much longer than a regular binding, but I'm also not a perfectionist. . . So there's that.

I now have plans to pom pom fringe ALLLLLLLL the things.

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